Choose Colour: Firery Copper RL31/29Choose Colour: Biscuit RL19/23Choose Colour: Black Coffee RL4/6Choose Colour: Bronzed Sable RL6/28Choose Colour: Cinnabar 32/31
Choose Colour: Copper Mahogany RL6/30Choose Colour: Dark Chocolate RL6/8Choose Colour: Ginger Brown RL5/27Choose Colour: Golden Pecan RL13/88Choose Colour: Golden Russet RL29/25
Choose Colour: Golden Walnut RL11/25Choose Colour: Hazelnut RL8/29Choose Colour: Honey Ginger RL14/25Choose Colour: Honey Toast RL12/16Choose Colour: Iced Granita RL51/61
Choose Colour: Iced Sweet Cream 1622Choose Colour: Off Black RL2/4Choose Colour: Pale Gold Wheat RL14/22Choose Colour: Pale Golden Honey RL16/88Choose Colour: Rusty Auburn RL30/27
Choose Colour: Shaded Biscuit RL19/23SSChoose Colour: Shaded Hazelnut RL8/29SSChoose Colour: Shaded Iced Cafe Latte RL9/24SSChoose Colour: Shaded Iced Cappuccino 10/22SSChoose Colour: Shaded Iced Cappuccino RL12/22SS
Choose Colour: Shaded Iced Java RL4/10SSChoose Colour: Shaded Iced Latte Macchiato RL17/23SSChoose Colour: Shaded Iced Mocha R8/12SSChoose Colour: Shaded Iced Pumpkin Spice RL29/33SSChoose Colour: Shaded Wheat RL14/22SS
Choose Colour: Silver & Smoke RL119Choose Colour: Silver RL56/60Choose Colour: Sugar & Charcoal RL511Choose Colour: Sunlit Chestnut RL10/12

Crowd Pleaser Wig



Brand:  Raquel Welch
Colour Shown  Firery Copper RL31/29
Size  Average
Crown  10" 25cm
Nape  41/4" 10.5cm
Front  6.5 " 16cm
Sides  7" 17cm
Weight  3.25oz
Cap Type  Sheer Indulgance™ Lace Front, Monofilament Part, Memory Cap® II Base
Fibre Type  Heat Friendly Fibre

The Crowd Pleaser Wig from Raquel Welch Wigs. Crowd Pleaser includes a dramatic side swept fringe and long, subtle layers throughout. This stunning mid length cut combines the natural looking hairline of a Sheer Indulgence™ lace front.

This is applicable to clients who wear wigs for medical reasons only. Clients that wear wigs due to Alopecia, chemotherapy treatment, or any other medical condition that causes hair loss and is confirmed by a GP, are classed as necessity wearers. If you fall under this category, you are entitled to receive the VAT off the cost of your wig or toppers.

Exemption on VAT is available whether you purchase from mail order or over the internet. Mail order or internet orders will require a complete VAT Exemption form to be sent to us, via the website or by post - as soon as you receive the goods and decide you are keeping your order. Your VAT will then be returned to your here for the link

Size Guide & Info

How do I know what size I need?

Today's wigs all have adjustable caps to fit most heads. Most wigs come in Average size, but if you know you are petite cap size, we have a category for Petite Wigs. Size is seldom a problem and the following is a chart of the sizes:

Children's: 31.75cm to 51cm (18.5 to 20 inches)
Petite : 51cm to 54cm (20 to 21.25 inches)
Average: 54cm to 57cm (21.25 to 22.5 inches)
Large: 57cm to 60cm (22 to 24 inches)

The adjustable caps fit over 90% of wig users.
You can measure the circumference of your head with a cloth tape.

Measure from your front hairline (or where it would be if you have no hair) just above the ears around your head.

This measurement will probably be between 54cm to 57cm (21-22½ inches). If the measurement is larger than 57cm (22½ inches) you will need a large size.

After you have added your goods to the basket, a choice delivery charges will be shown, Normal delivery is 5- 7 days, it may of course be sooner - you will be notified by email when yout item has been  despatched to let you know  it's on it's way...... but if your order is temporarily out of stock, you will be informed via e-mail, so please make sure your e-mail is current, the e-mail will request whether you require the choice of either choosing a different shade or style or waiting for the order to arrive. You can always call us to check availability prior to ordering.

Sale goods can be despatched same day. An estimated date will be given. If you do not receive your parcel after 15 days, you must notify us for a lost parcel claim, which can take up to 30 days.

 Outside UK delivery can vary from 5 - 21 days onwards, depending on your country's national postal system. We do offer Courier for International orders but not liquids/sprays etc due to Airline restrictions.

Please note  Jon Renau, Raquel Welch and Gabor wigs take longer to deliver as we have to import them, so (approx) delivery is 21 working days.


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